first 25 issues, as at September 2006. |

Few magazines go from the internet to print. In fact, no magazine, to
our knowledge, has managed that leap into more than one country. Yet within
the first seven months of launching our print edition, we launched a second,
in Romania. And more are on the way.
Our track record online had been enviable. Lucire
was the top online-only fashion magazine in the world, according to Alexa,
a claim that we had to abandon when we created a print edition. The web
site was launched in 1997, peaking at 70,000 unique visitors a week in
2003, the same year in which we were nominated for a Webby
Award and were named the United Nations
Environment Programmes first fashion industry partner. Lucire,
and social responsibility, go hand in hand.
Were the first to admit that in 2004, not everyone
got it. A magazine that gave profits to grow new trees? A
carbon-neutral title? Recycled paper? And its still not a greenie
magazine? How can that all be?
It took a period of brand-building before Lucire
became accepted as a print title. And in 2007, were working to blend
online and offline media, after a thorough re-evaluation of consumer habits
in the second half of this decade. We pioneered ten years ago, and were
going to do it again.